Look at a wooden trunk and blanket box, and I bet you will be head over heels for this piece of furniture. It is the most beautiful storage furniture unit. With its ancient classic appearance, it sells like hotcakes in the market. It will become your family heirloom because it will stay with you and your family as long as the earth is spinning. No matter how modern we people get we will always incline to traditional things and artefacts. And even though we may have many other storage furniture units but we can not let go of this once we have laid eyes on it. Apart from being an eye candy, it is a fascinating box, which can be used in many ways. Let's look at some of them.
1 . Multitasking box: it has a tremendous capacity of storage. Put anything and everything into it and it will be saved forever. You can put clothes, blankets, all your winter clothes into it. Place it in any room, and it will breathe authenticity and life into it. Like in a living room, decorate it with colourful cushions, and a sparkling cloth and watch it steal the show. You can also make it a coffee table or reading, study, writing table. It can also be used as bedside table, decorate with your books, a lamp or even a vase with a bunch of fresh flowers. Your room will be breezy and fragrant.
2. Pandora box of magic: a trunk and blanket box carries a very mysterious air. We all remember from our childhood days that how curious we always were around our grandparent's wooden trunk box. We always used to find something of our interest like marbles, a few pennies, or old photographs and sometimes even a beautiful ancient sword or a knife.
3. Different designs: type "a trunk and blanket box" on a search engine and explore the various and beautiful designs that will only leave you speechless. They are so amazing that you might end up buying more than one. The luxury of craftsmanship of this piece of furniture is beyond match. Choose the one that reflects your persona that is a reflection of your inner being.
4. Love for antiques: it is a treat for the people who are on a lookout for the traditional looking furniture. This will surely accentuate the dense character of your home and with that will serve several other purposes too. It is a masterpiece, and a must-have in every Indian household. Nothing can beat the heat it creates with its presence among other furniture.
How can one not have a trunk and blanket box? The question will raise a few eyebrows, but it's alright because they haven't yet laid their eyes on the beatific, graceful designs that are available online. To them and wooden furniture crazy people it's advice to let your instincts drive you in making a final call about the trunk and blanket box that you want to make yours. There is a wild variety with all kind of colours and sizes available online. All you have to do is type on any search engine and begin your exploration. Let nothing stop you from having it.